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~p maximum_input_line_length = infinity



The structure of the example language is specified by the following
concrete grammar productions.

A program is a block that consists of possibly empty sequences
of declarations and statements.

Prog    ::= Block .
Block   ::= '{' Decl* Stmt* '}' .

A declaration defines one or more variables of type int.
Each declaration is terminated by a ';'.
The symbol ~{VarDecl~} distinguishes this defining occurrence
of ~{Ident~} from other occurrences.
Several identifiers are separated by ','.

Decl    ::= 'int' VarDecls ';' .
VarDecls::= VarDecl // ',' .
VarDecl ::= Ident .

There are several forms of statements: assignments, conditionals,
~{switch~} statements, ~{break~} statements, ~{for~} loops, 
blocks, and expression statements. 
Statements, except blocks and ~{switch~} statements
are terminated by ';'.

Stmt    ::= Block 
          / Expr ';'
          / 'break' ';'
          / Assign ';'
          / ForStmt .

An assignment has the usual notation. 
The ~{Assign~} symbol is introduced, because ~{for~} loops contain
assignments without terminating ';'.

Assign  ::= VarUse '=' Expr .
VarUse  ::= Ident .

~{for~} statements consist of the initial assignment, the iteration
condition, the assignment executed after each iteration, and the
iterated statement.

~$~<For loop~>~{
ForStmt ::= 'for' '(' Assign ';' Expr ';' Assign ')' Stmt .

The ~{else~} branch of an ~{if~} statement is optional. 
The dangling else ambiguity is resolved such that an ~{else~} 
branch is bound to the innermost ~{if~} statement. 
The ~{$'else'~} modification instructs
the parser generator not to reduce that production if an ~{else~}
token follows.

~$~<If statement~>~{
Stmt    ::= 'if' '(' Expr ')' Stmt $'else' .
Stmt    ::= 'if' '(' Expr ')' Stmt 'else' Stmt .

Switch statements have the same structure as in C.

~$~<Switch statement~>~{
Stmt    ::= SwStmt .
SwStmt  ::= 'switch' '(' Expr ')' '{' Case* '}' .
Case    ::= CaseLab Stmt* .
CaseLab ::= 'case' CaseLit ':' .
CaseLab ::= 'default' ':' .
CaseLit ::= Number .

The following expression syntax specifies precedence and
associativity of operators: ~{MulOpr~} have highest precedence,
~{CmpOpr~} have lowest precedence. ~{AddOpr~} and ~{MulOpr~} 
are left-associative, and ~{CmpOpr~} are not associative.

Expr    ::= Sum CmpOpr Sum / Sum .
Sum     ::= Sum AddOpr Fact / Fact .
Fact    ::= Fact MulOpr Operand / Operand .
CmpOpr  ::= '<' / '>' / '==' / '!=' / '<=' / '>=' .
AddOpr  ::= '+' / '-' .
MulOpr  ::= '*' / '/' .
Operand ::= '(' Expr ')' .

The precedence and associativity rules are only relevant for
the construction of the tree. The then constructed tree need not
distinguish between ~{Expr~}, ~{Sum~}, ~{Fact~}, and 
~{Operand~}. They are all represented by an Expr node. 
Similarly all operators are represented
by an ~{Opr~} node in the tree:

~$~<Equivalent nonterminals~>~{
Expr    ::= Sum Fact Operand .
Opr	::= CmpOpr AddOpr MulOpr .

Operands are integral numbers, identifiers that denote access
of a variable value, or calls of predefined functions.
The latter may have an arbitrary number of arguments.

Operand ::= Number .
Operand ::= VarUse .
Operand ::= Ident '(' Params ')' .
Params  ::= .
Params  ::= Expr // ',' .

The notation for numbers, identifiers, and comments are specified
as in C using canned token specifications:


~B~<Output of files~>

~<For loop~>
~<If statement~>
~<Switch statement~>

~<Equivalent nonterminals~>
