dangling.in[1]==C defines that the else belongs to the inner if (i<10). The programmer might have intended to associate it to the outer if (i>=0). Hence the style guide requires to avoid such situations, e.g. by additional curly braces. Your analysis tool shall emit a warning if such a dangling else occurs:This macro is attached to an output file.{ int i, z; i = read(); if (i>=0) if (i<10) z = 5+i; else z = 0; print (z); }
dangling.out[2]==The following questions may help to focus your attention on the significant aspects of this problem:This macro is attached to an output file."dangling.in", line 5:3 WARNING: beware of dangling else!
1. Which are the adjacent tree contexts that will cause the warning?
2. In which context is the warning issued, and what is its precondition?
1.1 Solution
A warning is issued if the Stmt subtree of a one-sided
if statement is a two-sided if statement.
In order to produce the warning in the
lower context we associate an attribute WarnSingleIf
to Stmt. It indicates whether this Stmt occurs immediately
below a one-sided if context. There it is set to 1.
In all other contexts where Stmt occurs on the righthand side
it is set to 0.
Using a default SYMBOL computation for Stmt avoids to take care of any other Stmt context. It is overridden by the RULE computation in the one-sided if context.
dangling else computations[3]==This macro is invoked in definition 4.ATTR WarnSingleIf: int; SYMBOL Stmt COMPUTE INH.WarnSingleIf = 0; END; RULE: Stmt ::= 'if' '(' Expr ')' Stmt COMPUTE Stmt[2].WarnSingleIf = 1; END; RULE: Stmt ::= 'if' '(' Expr ')' Stmt 'else' Stmt COMPUTE IF (Stmt[1].WarnSingleIf, message (WARNING, "beware of dangling else!", 0, COORDREF)); END;
2. Reconsider your solution when you have learned about
SYMBOL computations. How can you use them to simplify
your solution?
1.3 Output files
dangling.lido[4]==This macro is attached to an output file.dangling else computations[3]
You decide to suggest to your manager that this requirement should be removed, because today's C compiler automatically translate sparse switch cases into cascades of conditional jumps.
In order to strengthen your argument by figures, your analysis tool will compute the number of the case labels in a switch statement and the range of their values.
For a program like
switch.in[5]==the tool will produce the output:This macro is attached to an output file.{ int i, z; i = read(); switch (i) { case 0: z = 1; break; case 99: case 100: z = 2; break; default: z = 0; } print (z); }
switch.out[6]==The following questions may help to focus your attention on the significant aspects of this problem:This macro is attached to an output file.switch in line 3 has 3 case labels in the range 0 to 100
1. How do you access the case label values from the switch statement context?
2. Which functions do you need to combine the values?
3. How do you handle nested switch statements?
2.1 Solution
For each SwStmt the number of its CaseLit occurrences and
their smalles and largest value are computed by three CONSTITUENTS
constructs, each combining the CaseLit values by an appropriate
triple of functions:
The functions f2, f1, f0 are chosen such that f1 yields the appropriate value of a single item, and for any x the equation f2 (x, f0()) = x holds.
The first CONSTITUENTS doesn't use the values of CaseLit.Sym at all for counting, since ARGTOONE is a constant (unary!) function, that yields 1 for any argument. f_INT_MAX and f_INT_MIN are constant functions that yield the largest repectively the smallest int value.
In case of nested switch statements the CONSTITUENTS do not access CaseLit occurrences of inner switch statements. This fact could be made explicit by using
The SYMBOL computation for CaseLit acesses the value of the terminal Number.
Switch case label computation[7]==ADD, ZERO, ARGTOONE, and IDENTICAL are predefined macros in LIDO. The other functions are supplied by the following cpp macros:This macro is invoked in definition 9.ATTR Sym: int; SYMBOL SwStmt COMPUTE printf ("switch in line %d has %d case labels in the range %d to %d\n", LINE, CONSTITUENTS CaseLit.Sym WITH (int, ADD, ARGTOONE, ZERO), CONSTITUENTS CaseLit.Sym WITH (int, MIN, IDENTICAL, f_INT_MAX), CONSTITUENTS CaseLit.Sym WITH (int, MAX, IDENTICAL, f_INT_MIN)); END; SYMBOL CaseLit COMPUTE SYNT.Sym = TERM; END;
Cpp macro definitions[8]==This macro is invoked in definition 10.#include <limits.h> #define MIN(x,y) ((x)<=(y) ? (x) : (y)) #define MAX(x,y) ((x)>=(y) ? (x) : (y)) #define f_INT_MIN() INT_MIN #define f_INT_MAX() INT_MAX
2. Explain why the f0 functions are needed (look at the grammar).
3. Can you make any assumption about the order in which the functions are called?
4. Reconsider your solution when you have learned about
SYMBOL computations. How can you use them to simplify
your solution?
2.3 Output files
switch.lido[9]==This macro is attached to an output file.Switch case label computation[7]
switch.head[10]==This macro is attached to an output file.Cpp macro definitions[8]
For example the following program
loops.in[11]==shall produce output likeThis macro is attached to an output file.{ int i, k, j, s; s = 0; for (i=1; i<10; i=i+1) for (j=i; j<10; j=j+1) s = s + j; for (k=0; k<5; k=k+2) s = s - k; print (s); }
loops.out[12]==The following questions may help to focus your attention on the significant aspects of this problem:This macro is attached to an output file.for loop number 1 in line 4 has depth 1 for loop number 2 in line 5 has depth 2 for loop number 3 in line 7 has depth 1
What is the computational pattern for left-to-right enumeration? In which context and with which value do you start the enumeration?
What is the computational pattern for nesting depth?
How is the recursive nesting being founded?
3.1 Solution
A chain is used to propagate the loop numbers left-to-right
through the program. The chain is started in the root context
with the number of the first loop. Each for loop increments
the incoming chain value and passes it down (HEAD).
Loop enumeration[13]==We use an INCLUDING construct to access the nesting depth of the next outer loop. The recursion is founded at the root symbol.This macro is invoked in definition 16.CHAIN LoopNo: int; SYMBOL Prog COMPUTE CHAINSTART HEAD.LoopNo = 1; END; SYMBOL ForStmt COMPUTE HEAD.LoopNo = ADD (THIS.LoopNo, 1); END;
Loop nesting depth[14]==In the ForStmt context the incoming chain value and the LoopDepth attribute is printed:This macro is invoked in definition 16.ATTR LoopDepth: int; SYMBOL Prog COMPUTE SYNT.LoopDepth = 0; END; SYMBOL ForStmt COMPUTE SYNT.LoopDepth = ADD (1, INCLUDING (ForStmt.LoopDepth, Prog.LoopDepth)); END;
Loop information[15]==This macro is invoked in definition 16.SYMBOL ForStmt COMPUTE printf ("for loop number %d in line %d has depth %d\n", THIS.LoopNo, LINE, THIS.LoopDepth); END;
loops.lido[16]==This macro is attached to an output file.Loop enumeration[13] Loop nesting depth[14] Loop information[15]