You decide to suggest to your manager that the programmers should use lint before they release their programs. Inspite of that you try to let your analysis tool check these requirements, and compare the results with those of lint.
For the program[1]==your analysis tool shall produce messages likeThis macro is attached to an output file.{ int a, b, c, d, e; int f; int a; a = read (x); b = a + c; c = a * c; e = d + a; print (e); }
vars.out[2]==The following questions may help to focus your attention on the significant aspects of this problem:This macro is attached to an output file."", line 5:13 ERROR: variable is not defined "", line 1:7 ERROR: variable is multiply defined "", line 2:7 WARNING: variable is never used "", line 3:7 ERROR: variable is multiply defined "", line 5:13 WARNING: variable is used before set "", line 6:11 WARNING: variable is used before set "", line 7:11 WARNING: variable is used before set "", line 8:7 WARNING: variable is used before set
1. Decompose the whole task into subproblems: a name analysis task and several single tasks which need to compute a property of variables each. Solve the tasks separately.
2. How do you solve the name analysis task?
3. For each property subtask answer the following questions: What are the property values? In which contexts is the property to be set? In which contexts is the property to be read? What is the sequencing relation between setting and reading the property.
4. Discuss the write before read subproblem for the
statement c = a * c;.
1.1 Solution
Name Analysis:
The task requires to associate properties to program objects. We first determine which identifier stands for which program object, represented by a key. The name analysis module CScope is used for that purpose:
Name analysis module instance[3]==This module provides computational roles for a root symbol RootScope that contains all scopes, for a symbol RangeScope that forms a possibly nested scope, and for defining and applied identifier occurrences, IdDefScope, IdUseEnv. These roles are associated to our grammar symbols.This macro is invoked in definition 13.$/Name/CScope.gnrc:inst
Additionally we have to make the value of the terminal Ident available one level up at the VarDecl and VarUse nodes. That is achieved by the computation associated to the CLASS symbol IdOcc.
Name analysis module roles[4]==Check Variable Definitions:This macro is invoked in definition 14.SYMBOL Prog INHERITS RootScope END; SYMBOL Block INHERITS RangeScope END; SYMBOL VarDecl INHERITS IdDefScope END; SYMBOL VarUse INHERITS IdUseEnv END; CLASS SYMBOL IdOcc: Sym: int; CLASS SYMBOL IdOcc COMPUTE THIS.Sym = TERM; END; SYMBOL VarDecl INHERITS IdOcc END; SYMBOL VarUse INHERITS IdOcc END;
The scope rules can be violated in any of two cases: A variable is used but not defined, or a variable is defined more than once in a range. In each case we want to produce an error message.
The first case is checked by inspecting the Key attribute of an applied identifier occurrence:
Undefined variables[5]==In order to check for multiple definitions we use a property:This macro is invoked in definition 14.SYMBOL VarUse COMPUTE IF (EQ (THIS.Key, NoKey), message (ERROR, "variable is not defined", 0, COORDREF)); END;
Multiple definitions property[6]==For each key it may have one of 3 values which are encoded for better readability in the following .head file fragment:This macro is invoked in definition 15.MultDef: int;
Definition state macros[7]==The SetMultDef in VarDecl context sets the state either to 1 if no definition has been encountered so far, or to 2 otherwise. The CONSTITUENTS and INCLUDING pair using the attribute GotMultDef ensures that all set operations are done before any check for a message is executed:This macro is invoked in definition 16.#define NotDefined 0 #define OnceDefined 1 #define MultipleDefined 2
Multiple definitions[8]==Used Variables:This macro is invoked in definition 14.SYMBOL Prog COMPUTE SYNT.GotMultDef = CONSTITUENTS VarDecl.GotMultDef; END; SYMBOL VarDecl COMPUTE SYNT.GotMultDef = SetMultDef (THIS.Key, OnceDefined, MultipleDefined); IF (EQ (GetMultDef (THIS.Key, NotDefined), MultipleDefined), message (ERROR, "variable is multiply defined", 0, COORDREF)) <- INCLUDING Prog.GotMultDef; END;
For checking whether a defined variable is used somewhere in the program we use the same technique as for checking for multiple definitions. A property is introduced:
Used property[9]==All variable uses have to be encountered before the check for an unused variable is done in the context of a variable definition.This macro is invoked in definition 15.IsUsed: int;
Uses of variables[10]==Read before Write:This macro is invoked in definition 14.SYMBOL Prog COMPUTE THIS.GotIsUsed = CONSTITUENTS VarUse.GotIsUsed; END; SYMBOL VarUse COMPUTE THIS.GotIsUsed = ResetIsUsed (THIS.Key, 1); END; SYMBOL VarDecl COMPUTE IF (NOT (GetIsUsed (THIS.Key, 0)), message (WARNING, "variable is never used", 0, COORDREF)) <- INCLUDING Prog.GotIsUsed; END;
We now determine whether a variable is read before written. For that purpose we use a boolean property that describes whether a variable is already written in left-to-right order throughout the program.
Is written property[11]==We simulate assignments and accesses of variables along a left-to-right chain through the program. (This simulation is of course not accurate in the presence of loops or if statements. Hence not all situation where a variable may be used before it is set will be flagged with a warning.)This macro is invoked in definition 15.IsWritten: int;
That chain is started in the Prog context. It does not carry a value. The states have to be computed for each variable individually.
A message is issued when a variable with not IsWritten is encountered in a VarUse which is not the left-hand side of an assignment. The VarUse on the left-hand side of an assignment turns the state into IsWritten.
We use a boolean attribute Lhs to distinguish the left-hand side of an assignment from other VarUses.
Furthermore, we have to locally modify the chain order in assignment contexts such that the left-hand side is encountered after the right-hand side.
Variable access computation[12]==This macro is invoked in definition 14.CHAIN VarAccess: VOID; SYMBOL Prog COMPUTE CHAINSTART HEAD.VarAccess = "yes"; END; SYMBOL VarUse: Lhs: int; SYMBOL VarUse COMPUTE INH.Lhs = 0; /* default */ THIS.VarAccess = IF (INH.Lhs, ResetIsWritten (THIS.Key, 1), IF (NOT (GetIsWritten (THIS.Key, 0)), message (WARNING, "variable is used before set", 0, COORDREF))) <- THIS.VarAccess; END; RULE: Assign ::= VarUse '=' Expr COMPUTE VarUse.Lhs = 1; Expr.VarAccess = Assign.VarAccess; VarUse.VarAccess = Expr.VarAccess; Assign.VarAccess = VarUse.VarAccess; END;
2. Do you know a library module that supports the check for multiple definitions?
3. How did you solve the problem that a variable use in the
right-hand side of an assignment has to be considered
before the left-hand side? Do you see alternative solutions?
1.3 Output files
vars.specs[13]==This macro is attached to an output file.Name analysis module instance[3]
vars.lido[14]==This macro is attached to an output file.Name analysis module roles[4] Undefined variables[5] Multiple definitions[8] Uses of variables[10] Variable access computation[12]
vars.pdl[15]==This macro is attached to an output file.Multiple definitions property[6] Used property[9] Is written property[11]
vars.head[16]==This macro is attached to an output file.Definition state macros[7]