[Note: Look elsewhere
for Isabelle documentation]
Basic concepts
On Formalizing Mathematics
On the classical reasoner
Of historical interest
- L. C. Paulson,
Natural deduction as higher-order resolution. J. Logic Programming 3 (1986), 237258. - L. C. Paulson,
Isabelle: the next seven hundred theorem provers (system abstract). In: E. Lusk and R. Overbeek (editors), 9th International Conf. on Automated Deduction (Springer LNCS 310, 1988), 772773.
- L. C. Paulson,
A formulation of the simple theory of types (for Isabelle). In: P. Martin-Löf &G. Mints (editors), COLOG-88: International Conf. in Computer Logic.Tallinn, Estonia (1988). Published as Springer LNCS 417, 1990), 246274.
- L. C. Paulson.
A preliminary user's manual for Isabelle. Technical Report 133, Computer Lab (1988).
- Tobias Nipkow and L C Paulson,
Isabelle tutorial and user's manual. Technical Report 189, Computer Lab (1990).
- L. C. Paulson,
Introduction to Isabelle. Technical Report, Computer Lab (last revised 2003).
Research funded by the EPSRC, projects GR/E0355.7, GR/H40570, and many others.
Lawrence C. Paulson. Email: lcp@cl.cam.ac.uk