Verifying Security Protocols Using Isabelle
Introductory papers
Verification of the SET protocol
(See the automatically-generated theory document.)
- Giampaolo Bella, Fabio Massacci, L. C. Paulson and Piero Tramontano.
Formal verification of Cardholder Registration in SET. In: F. Cuppens et al. (editors), Computer Security ESORICS 2000 (Springer LNCS 1895, 2000), 159174.
- L. C. Paulson.
Verifying the SET protocol. IJCAR 2001: International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, Siena, Italy.
Slides available
- L. C. Paulson.
Verification of SET: the purchase phase.
Dagstuhl Seminar 01391: Specification
and Analysis of Secure Cryptographic Protocols (2001)
Slides available
- Giampaolo Bella, Fabio Massacci and L. C. Paulson.
The verification of an industrial payment protocol: the
SET purchase phase. In: Vijay Atluri (editor), 9th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM Press, 2002), pages 1220.
- L. C. Paulson.
Verifying the SET protocol: overview
Invited lecture, FASec 2002: Formal Aspects of Security. Royal Holloway College, University of London, England, December 2002.
Slides available
- Giampaolo Bella, Fabio Massacci and L. C. Paulson.
Verifying the SET registration protocols. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 21 1 (2003), 7787.
- Giampaolo Bella, Fabio Massacci and L. C. Paulson.
An overview of the verification of SET. International Journal of Information Security, in press.
Other results
- Giampaolo Bella and L. C. Paulson.
Using Isabelle to prove properties of the Kerberos authentication system. DIMACS Workshop on Design and Formal Verification of Security Protocols, 1997.
- Giampaolo Bella and L. C. Paulson.
Mechanising BAN Kerberos by the inductive method. In: Alan J. Hu and Moshe Y. Vardi (editors), Computer-Aided Verification: CAV '98 (Springer LNCS 1427, 1998), 416427.
- Giampaolo Bella and L. C. Paulson.
Kerberos version IV: inductive analysis of the secrecy goals. In: Jean-Jacques Quisquater et al. (editors), Computer Security ESORICS 98 (Springer LNCS 1485, 1998), 361375.
- L. C. Paulson.
Inductive analysis of the Internet protocol TLS. ACM Transactions on Computer and System Security 2 3 (1999), 332351.
Slides available
- L. C. Paulson.
Relations between secrets: two formal analyses of the Yahalom protocol. J. Computer Security 9 3 (2001), 197216.
- Giampaolo Bella and L. C. Paulson.
Mechanical proofs about a non-repudiation protocol. In: Richard J. Boulton and Paul B. Jackson (editors),Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (Springer LNCS 2152, 2001), 91104.
- Giampaolo Bella, Cristiano Longo and L. C. Paulson.
Verifying second-level security protocols. In: David Basin and Burkhart Wolff (editors),Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (Springer LNCS 2758, 2003), pages 352366.
Slides available
- Giampaolo Bella.
Inductive Verification of Smart Card Protocols.. J. Computer Security 11 1 (2003), 87132.
The original papers
The proof scripts, other than those for SET, are distributed with Isabelle. Go to subdirectory HOL/Auth.
Research funded by the EPSRC, projects GR/K77051 and GR/R 01156/01. 
Last revised: Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Lawrence C. Paulson. Email: