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Objektorientierte Programmierung WS 2013/2014 - Datei Ball.java

//      general purpose reusable bounding ball abstraction
//      From Chapter 5 of
//      Understanging Object-Oriented Programming with Java
//      Written by Tim Budd
//      Published by Addison-Wesley Longman
//      See ftp://ftp.cs.orst.edu/pub/budd/java/ReadMe.html 
//      for further information
import java.awt.*;

public class Ball
   protected Rectangle location;
   protected double    dx;
   protected double    dy;
   protected Color     color;

   public Ball (int x, int y, int r)
      location = new Rectangle(x - r, y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r);
      dx       = 0;
      dy       = 0;

   // functions that set attributes
   public void setColor (Color newColor)
      color = newColor;

   public void setMotion (double ndx, double ndy)
      dx = ndx;
      dy = ndy;

   // functions that access attributes of ball
   public int radius ()
      return location.width / 2;

   public int x ()
      return location.x + radius();

   public int y ()
      return location.y + radius();

   public double xMotion ()
      return dx;

   public double yMotion ()
      return dy;

   public Rectangle region ()
      return location;

   // functions that change attributes of ball
   public void moveTo (int x, int y)
      location.setLocation(x, y);

   public void move ()
      location.translate(( int ) dx, ( int ) dy);

   public void paint (Graphics g)
      g.fillOval(location.x, location.y, location.width, location.height);

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