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Objektorientierte Programmierung WS 2013/2014 - Internet-Links


Online-Infos Zum Buch Understanding Object-Oriented Programming with Java, Tim Budd
Online-Material Zur Buchserie Patterns in Java, Mark Grand
Java Tutorial The Java Tutorial - A practical guide for programmers, Sun Microsystems
Vorlesungsmaterial Software-Entwurfs, G. Engels
Vorlesungsmaterial Software-Entwicklung I, II WS 1998/99, U. Kastens
Vorlesungsmaterial Software-Entwicklung II SS 2004, U. Kastens
Object-Oriented Modeling with Roles B. B. Kristensen.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems (OOIS'95), Dublin, Ireland, 1995.

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