Parallel Programming WS 2014/2015 - File
public class Buffer { private Queue buf; public Buffer(int n) { buf = new Queue(n); } synchronized public void put(int elem) { while (buf.isFull()) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {/* ok to ignore */} } buf.enqueue(elem); System.out.println("put " + elem + " (" + buf.getElementCount() + " elems in q)"); notifyAll(); } synchronized public int get() { while (buf.isEmpty()) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {/* ok to ignore */} } int elem = buf.dequeue(); System.out.println("get " + elem + " (" + buf.getElementCount() + " elems in q)"); notifyAll(); return elem; } }
Generiert mit Camelot | Probleme mit Camelot? | Geändert am: 20.11.2014