Compilation Methods SS 2013 - Assignment 1
Kastens, Pfahler, 17.04.2013Exercise 1 (Different forms of intermediate code)
The following intermediate code fragments are given in 2-address-form (Team 1), 0-address-form/stack-form (Team 2), and tree representation (Team 3).
Note: Both instruction sequences initialize the variables a, b, and c. Those assignments are omitted in the tree representation.
mov local-4, 10 # a mov local-8, 20 # b, mov local-12, -30 # c, mov %eax, local-12 # c, c add %eax, local-8 # tmp59, b imul %eax, local-4 # tmp61, a mov local-16, %eax # x, tmp61 mov %eax, local-12 # c, c mov %edx, local-8 # tmp62, b add %edx, %eax # tmp62, c mov %eax, %edx # tmp64, tmp62 sal %eax, 2 # tmp64, add %eax, %edx # tmp64, tmp62 sal %eax # tmp65 mov local-20, %eax # y, tmp65 |
0: bipush 10 2: istore_0 3: bipush 20 5: istore_1 6: bipush -30 8: istore_2 9: iload_0 10: iload_1 11: iload_2 12: iadd 13: imul 14: istore_3 15: iload_1 16: iload_2 17: iadd 18: bipush 10 20: imul 21: istore_4 |
Reconstruct a sequence of Java (or C) assignments that could be compiled to this intermediate code and prepare to explain the relationship to the other teams. Do you find optimization opportunities (Slide 202) in your intermediate code representation?
Exercise 2 (Translating statements to intermediate code)
Convert the following assignment statement to intermediate code in 0-address-form, 2-address-form, and an abstract syntax tree-representation. Assume that all variables are declared with type int.
c = (a + b) * (a + b) - 1;
The subexpression a+b appears twice. How could you avoid duplicate computation of the sum in each of the three forms of intermediate code?
Exercise 3 (Optimizations of Java Bytecode)
Which optimizations of Slide 202 are applied by the Java compiler? Which optimizations could have been applied additionally?
public class Optimization { public static int deadVariables() { public static int deadVariables(); int a = 50; 0: bipush 50 int b = 60; 2: istore_0 3: bipush 60 int x = a + b; 5: istore_1 x = 5; 6: iload_0 7: iload_1 return x; 8: iadd } 9: istore_2 10: iconst_5 11: istore_2 12: iload_2 13: ireturn public static int algebraicSimplification() { public static int algebraicSimplification(); int p = 50; 0: bipush 50 double i = 2 * 3.14; 2: istore_0 int j = p + 0; 3: ldc2_w #2; //double 6.28d int k = p * 2; 6: dstore_1 return j + k; 7: iload_0 } 8: iconst_0 9: iadd 10: istore_3 11: iload_0 12: iconst_2 13: imul 14: istore 4 16: iload_3 17: iload 4 19: iadd 20: ireturn public static boolean bool; public static int constantPropagation() { public static int constantPropagation(); int x = 2; 0: iconst_2 if (bool) { 1: istore_0 int z = 42; 2: getstatic #4; //bool } 5: ifeq 11 int y = x * 5; 8: bipush 42 10: istore_1 return y; 11: iload_0 } 12: iconst_5 13: imul 14: istore_1 15: iload_1 16: ireturn public static int copyPropagation() { public static int copyPropagation(); int p = 40; 0: bipush 40 2: istore_0 int x = p; 3: iload_0 int z = x; 4: istore_1 5: iload_1 return z; 6: istore_2 } 7: iload_2 } 8: ireturn
Exercise 4 (HOMEWORK: Manually modifying Java bytecode)
The Java classfile CountDown.class
contains an important Java program that has been developed for
upcoming NASA Mars missions. Unfortunately the source code has been lost.
All that is left is a bytecode listing of class CountDown in
file CountDown.j
. This file has been generated
from the the classfile.
Use the Java interpreter to execute the supplied classfile. What is wrong with the program (from the NASA's point of view)?
Modify the assembler source code in file
so that the countdown works as expected.Use the command ~compiler/bin/Jasmin CountDown.j to assemble a new classfile, when you have fixed the assembler source code. Invoke the resulting classfile with the bytecode verifier enabled:
java -verify CountDown
You can find an overview on Java Bytecode instructions at
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