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Compilation Methods SS 2013 - Assignment 5

Kastens, Pfahler, 13. Juni 2013

Exercise 1 (Storage Mapping for Arrays)

The following declaration appears in a Pascal program:

   var rain: array [1..12, 2000..2029] of integer;

Draw the memory layout in row-major order.
Let's assume a target architecture that uses 32 bit integers (4 bytes) and requires integers to be aligned on 4 byte boundaries.

What is the index map (see Slide 305) for the declared array? Use a Horner scheme with all constant parts of the array descriptor determined at compile time.

Give intermediate code in the style of Slide 316 for the following statement:
   rain[month, 2011] := 13;

Compiled code for our target architecture uses register R6 to store the base address of the current activation record on the run-time stack. Assume that variable month is stored at offset 8 and that the array starts at offset 12. The assignment is represented as a node of type assign. Its left subtree must compute the address of the target location; its right subtree must represent the value to be assigned. Assume compile time evaluation of all operations on constant operands.

Exercise 2 (Code Sequences for Control Statements)

Design code sequences for for-loops and do-while-loops in C. Example sequences for different kinds of loops appear on Slide 315.

Exercise 3 (Code Selection by Pattern Matching in Trees)

The following set of translation patterns describes a simple RISC processor:

1iconstconst-> IConst./.0
2iconstconst-> IReg move #const, IReg1
3varaddress-> IReg addr #adress, IReg2
4iaddIReg1, IReg2-> IReg3 add IReg1, IReg2, IReg32
5iaddIReg1, IConst-> IReg2 add IReg1, #const, IReg22
6derefIReg1-> IReg2 load IReg1, IReg23
7assignIReg1, IReg2-> Stmt store IReg1, IReg22

Assume that the following source code

  { int v[8];
    struct { int x, y; } p;
    p.y = v[7] + 9;
has been translated to the intermediate code tree given below. Use the set of patterns to cover that tree. Apply two different strategies:
  1. Choose locally optimal solutions to cover the tree in a single bottom-up traversal through the tree.
  2. Apply the 2-pass-strategy that makes its decisions based on costs of whole subtrees (Slide 320).
Fill out the prepared tree form according to the following examples:
Fill in the annotations for the 1-pass strategy:
Fill in the annotations for the 2-pass strategy:
Is there a difference in the tree covers?
Consider 3 additional tree patterns:

8iaddIReg1, IReg2-> RegSum./.0
9derefRegSum-> IReg3load IReg1+ IReg2, IReg33
10assignRegSum, IReg3-> Stmtstore IReg1+ IReg2, IReg32
The new instructions compute a to be accessed memory address as the sum of the contents of two registers.
Apply both tree cover strategies again. Fill in the annotations for the 1-pass strategy:
Fill in the annotations for the 2-pass strategy:
Is there a difference in the tree covers?


The directory blatt5/risc contains the above set of translation patterns in a form that is suitable for the bottom-up rewriting generator BURG. The file risc.burg contains a specification of the tree patterns and a test program that computes a cost optimal cover of a given intermediate code tree.

To compute a cost optimal cover of the example tree, use BURG to build a tree automaton:

  ./burg -I risc.burg > risc.c
Afterwards compile and link the resulting C source code. (The file util.c supports tree construction, it is included and linked.)
  cc -o risc risc.c
Start the resulting program risc and compare its output with your solution of part (a).

Note: The supplied burg executable works on Linux computers only.


Extend the pattern specification in file risc.burg with the additional "RegSum" tree patterns described above. These patterns represent the machine instructions

load IReg1+IReg2,IReg3


store IReg1+IReg2,IReg3


Regenerate the tree automaton from the modified specification. What cost optimal tree cover does the new automaton find?

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