Papers on (Co)Induction and (Co)Recursion
Also see papers on Verifying
Security Protocols
- Deriving Structural Induction in LCF. In: G. Kahn, D. B. MacQueen, G. Plotkin, editors, Semantics of Data Types (Springer, 1984), 197214.
- Proving termination of normalization functions for conditional expressions. J. Automated Reasoning 2 (1986), 6374.
- Constructing recursion operators in Intuitionistic Type Theory. J. Symbolic Computation 2 (1986), 325355.
- Set theory for verification: II. Induction and recursion. J. Automated Reasoning 15 (1995), 167215.
- Mechanizing coinduction and corecursion in higher-order logic. J. Logic and Computation 7 (March 1997), 175204.
- Final coalgebras as greatest fixed points in ZF set theory. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 9 (1999), 545567.
- A fixedpoint approach to (co)inductive and (co)datatype definitions In: G. Plotkin, C. Stirling, and M. Tofte (editors), Proof, Language, and Interaction: Essays in Honour of Robin Milner (MIT Press, 2000), 187211.
- A Simple Formalization and Proof for the Mutilated Chess Board.
Logic J. of the IGPL 9 3 (2001), 499509.
Lawrence C. Paulson. Email: