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Parallel Programming WS 2014/2015 - Assignment 1

Kastens, Pfahler
Institut für Informatik, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Informatik und Mathematik, Universität Paderborn
Oct 24, 2014

Exercise 1 (Hoare Logic)

Consider the following process p1:

   { P1: moneyBag = x }

      b1 = 10;
      t1 = moneyBag;
      t1 = t1 + b1;
      moneyBag = t1;
   { Q1: moneyBag = x + 10 }

Show that the postcondition Q1 holds for the sequential execution of the process if the execution starts in a state characterized by P1.

Exercise 2 (Interleaved Execution)

Consider the following two statements

   S1: x = x + y;
   S2: y = x - y;
Assume that x is initially 2 and that y is 5. What are the possible final values of x and y for each of the following programs?
   S1; S2;
   co <S1> //
   co S1 //

Exercise 3 (Interleaved Execution)

Consider 2 scenarios:
  • 2 processes executing 3 atomic actions
  • 3 processes executing 2 atomic actions

Which scenario results in more interleaved execution orders?

Find a formula for the number of interleaved execution orders for n processes executing m atomic actions each.

Exercise 4 (At-most-Once Property)

Two processes p1 and p2 operate on a common variable x and local variables t and v:

   x = 0;
   p1: t = x; t = t + 2; x = t;
   p2: v = x + 1; x = v + 1;

Find a decomposition of the two processes into constructs that are atomic by AMO. Choose this decomposition as coarse as possible.

Exercise 5 (LAB or HOME: Java Simulation)

The Java program Atomic.java is a simulation of the process structure in Assignment 2c. Compile and execute it to compare the results.

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