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Parallel Programming WS 2014/2015 - Assignment 2

Kastens, Pfahler
Institut für Informatik, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Informatik und Mathematik, Universität Paderborn
Nov 07, 2014

Exercise 1 (Process Interference)

Consider the following process p1:

   { P1: moneyBag = x }
   b1 = 10;
   t1 = moneyBag;
   t1 = t1 + b1;
   moneyBag = t1;
   { Q1: moneyBag = x + 10 }

Last time we have shown that the postcondition Q1 holds for the sequential execution of the process if the execution starts in a state described by P1.

Consider a second process p2:

{ P2: moneyBag = x }
moneyBag = moneyBag - 5;
{ Q2: moneyBag = x - 5 }

Assume the statement sequences in both p1 and p2 are executed as single atomic actions. Show that the concurrent execution of p1 does interfere with p2.
Weaken the preconditions to preconditions P1' and P2' with P1 => P1' and P2 => P2', such that
{ P1' } S1 { Q1' }
{ P2' } S2 { Q2' }
can be proven.

Hint: Weaken the preconditions to express that each process could be executed after the other one has been executed.

Show non-interference using the new pre- and postconditions.
Since now the processes do not interfere you can apply the concurrency rule (PPJ-17f) to prove the result of the concurrent execution.

(Here is the Solution for Exercise 1)

Exercise 2 ( LAB: Concurrent Programming in Java)

Write a Java program "Counters" that takes a command line parameter n and creates n threads of class "Counter". Each counter has a name ("counter_i") and counts from 1 to 9 by periodically outputting its name and counter value and then sleeping for a random value between 0 and 99 milliseconds. Make class "Counter" a subclass of "Thread" (PPJ-11).

Example output for "java Counters 3":

   counter_1 --> 1
   counter_3 --> 1
   counter_2 --> 1
   counter_2 --> 2
   counter_1 --> 2
   counter_3 --> 2
   counter_3 --> 3
   counter_1 --> 3
   counter_1 --> 4

(Here is the Solution for Exercise 2)

Exercise 3 (Homework: Interference)

Two processes p1 and p2 operate on a common variable y. Their atomic actions are indicated by angled brackets.

   y = 1;
      p1: <y = y + 2;> //
      p2: <y = y - 1;> <y = y + 4;>
Prove that y = 6 holds after both processes have finished. Derive assertions that hold at each point with observable state in the program. Show non-interference of each of these assertions with all relevant assignments.

Hints: Use weakened assertions (disjunctions) that take all possible interleavings of the atomic actions into account. At the end of the program the post-conditions of both processes hold. Their conjunction should imply that y = 6.

(Here is the Solution for Exercise 3)

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