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Parallel Programming WS 2014/2015 - Solution 2

Kastens, Pfahler
Institut für Informatik, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Informatik und Mathematik, Universität Paderborn
Nov 10, 2014

Solution for Exercise 1

Consider a second process p2:

   { P2: moneyBag = x }
   t2 = moneyBag;
   moneyBag = t2 - 5;
   { Q2: moneyBag = x - 5 }

Assuming the statement sequences in both p1 and p2 are executed as single atomic actions, we have:
 { P1: moneyBag = x } S1: moneyBag = moneyBag + 10; { Q1: moneyBag = x + 10}
 { P2: moneyBag = x } S2: moneyBag = moneyBag - 5; { Q2: moneyBag = x - 5}
The processes interfer. Proof by showing e.g. that
   {P1 && P2} S2 {P1}
does not hold.
Weaken the preconditions to preconditions P1' and P2' with P1 => P1' and P2 => P2', such that
   { P1' } S1 { Q1' }
   { P2' } S2 { Q2' }
can be proven:
 { P1': moneyBag = x || moneyBag = x - 5} S1: moneyBag = moneyBag + 10; { Q1': moneyBag = x + 10 || moneyBag = x + 5}
 { P2': moneyBag = x || moneyBag = x + 10} S2: moneyBag = moneyBag - 5; { Q2': moneyBag = x - 5 || moneyBag = x + 5}

We show non-interference using the new pre- and postconditions:
   {P1' && P2'} S2 {P1'}
   {P2' && P1'} S1 {P2'}
   {Q1' && P2'} S2 {Q1'}
   {Q2' && P1'} S1 {Q2'}
Since the processes do not interfere we can apply the concurrency rule (PPJ-17f) to prove the result of the concurrent execution:
   { P1' && P2' } co S1 // S2 oc {Q1' && Q2'}
which yields
   { moneyBag = x } 
   co moneyBag = moneyBag + 10 // 
      moneyBag = moneyBag - 5 oc 
   {moneyBag = x + 5}

Solution for Exercise 2

The files Counter.java and Counters.java contain the Java sources of the concurrent counter simulation.

Solution for Exercise 3

The following system of assertions is suitable for the proof. Each assertion takes all possible interleavings with atomic actions in the other process into account:

{a1: y = 1 or y = 0 or y = 4} <s1: y = y + 2;> {a2: y = 3 or y = 2 or y = 6}
{a3: y = 1 or y = 3} <s2: y = y - 1;> {a4: y = 0 or y = 2} <s3: y = y + 4;> {a5: y = 4 or y = 6}
For non-interference we have to prove:
   {a1 and pre(s2)} s2 {a1}
   {a1 and pre(s3)} s3 {a1}
   {a2 and pre(s2)} s2 {a2}
   {a2 and pre(s3)} s3 {a2}
   {a3 and pre(s1)} s1 {a3}
   {a4 and pre(s1)} s1 {a4}
   {a5 and pre(s1)} s1 {a5}

The concurrence rule then implies that the conjunction of a2 and a5 is valid:
   (y = 3 or y = 2 or y = 6) and (y = 4 or y = 6)
which yields
   y = 6
as desired.

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