Parallel Programming WS 2014/2015 - Assignment 4
Kastens, PfahlerInstitut für Informatik, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Informatik und Mathematik, Universität Paderborn
Dec 08, 2014
Exercise 1 (Rendezvous: The Fürstenallee Shuttle)
A new driverless shuttle train connects the Fürstenallee building with the University campus. It consists of a single rail car with seats for 8 passengers. The shuttle only starts if the car is fully occupied.
We apply the design method for the rendezvous of processes to design a monitor for the FA shuttle simulation. The following illustration shows the entry procedures and the counter variables:
- a)
- Determine the monitor invariant.
- b)
- Determine the waiting conditions and the counter increments
(Slide 36). Fill in the following table:
Entry Procedure wait while ... Modify counters ride offer - c)
- Substitute the increasing counters by limited counters.
- d)
- LAB:
Implement a Java monitor class that can be used with the FA shuttle
simulation in directory
Exercise 2 (Barrier Synchronization: Rolling Dices)
We use N dices to generate endless sequences of random numbers:
public class DiceTest { final static int N = 4; public static void main(String[] args) { DiceBarrier x = new DiceBarrier(N); for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { new Dice(i, x).start(); } } } |
The results of each round have to be added and output. Therefore the dices have to be synchronized using a barrier after each throw:
public class Dice extends Thread { private DiceBarrier x; private int number; private int val; public Dice(int number, DiceBarrier x) { this.number = number; this.x = x; } public void run() { while (true) { val = (int) (Math.random() * 6) + 1; x.barrier(number, val); } } }Use a simple shared counter barrier (Slide 44) to complete the implementation (
) of class
public class DiceBarrier { private final int N; // number of dices DiceBarrier(int n) { N = n; } synchronized public void barrier(int dicenumber, int value) { // to be completed } }Hint: The barrier method is also responsible for computing the sum of the dice values. The dicenumber parameter can be used to generate log output like:
Dice 4 arrived Dice 2 arrived Dice 3 arrived Dice 1 arrived Sum = 15 Dice 1 arrived Dice 4 arrived Dice 2 arrived Dice 3 arrived Sum = 17 ...
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